
It took Bastian all the courage in the world when he finally overcame his worries and gave the Childlike Empress the name of Moonchild. I often wonder how exhausting life must be for those that live in constant fear of the unknown, never feeling secure enough to pull their weight on the sail to explore uncharted waters, never having the guts to jump into the Mediterranean with all they have to offer.

Perhaps my core character fault is to believe the child locking himself in the attic to read the story he was once too scared to touch exists somewhere other than the italicised pages of my favourite book.

The same embossed book rotting on my bedside table reminds me once again that they only exist in fairytales, and of course, in the dark corners of my mind.

Some stories are in fact, neverending, yet only if I knew wherever they lie.

Mina Tumay